1600 Firestone Parkway, Akron, OH 44301
TF (800) 624-5520
Today’s business climate feels like the Wild West. There is very little resemblance to order, and prices are increasing faster than Black Barts draw.
Nearly every price increase we currently receive is effective immediately. But now things have changed. If the material we have on order has not shipped before the price increase, it is included in that increase. Manufacturers are not honoring the price that was quoted at the time of order.
We received our first load of steel rod last Monday that was priced at the time of shipment. This was material ordered in March that was scheduled to deliver at the end of April/first of May. It finally began arriving the second week of June, but it was price at the June price instead of the April price, which was 15% less.
This becomes problematic when you take orders that were quoted based on the expected price of raw materials that are already on order.
Not only have materials continued to increase in price, but all the incidentals and support products have increased as well. Plastic, chemicals, packaging, wire carriers and the freight to deliver these items have all had large increases. Even the wooden pallets have more than doubled in price.
Do to this chaotic and unpredictable market, we are forced to price orders at time of shipment. When we are close to producing your order, we will send you an acknowledgement at the current price. You will have the option to accept or cancel the order. We do not like to do business this way but we have been forced by our own material suppliers.
We hope this policy will end soon and we can go back to a price list that will be correct for more than two weeks. Lead times remain extended and there are shortages on many items.
Thank you for your business,
Bill Peterson